Robo Cops


Police have been given new technologies to help them in their work, including electronic notebooks and sensor networks. Officers can check the criminal history of a suspect while on the crime scene, and sensor networks will help them track vehicles and people invisibly.

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Monitoring crowd behaviour is also becoming a more advanced approach. The system was initially developed to help with public safety during Hajj, the annual pilgrimage in Mecca where thousands of people descend on one area. Computers connected to digital cameras can analyse crowd movements in real time. It uses an algorithm that detects human heads, analyses how they move between frames and then predicts movement.

Drones that are small and lightweight can replace helicopters which cost a lot to operate. Merseyside Police was the first in 2010 to use a small drone for the arrest of suspected car thieves. The air robot was used after the officers had lost the suspect in dense fog. Imagine how much faster and cheaper it would cost to use drones to incapacitate criminals until the police arrive? When you need drone filming services, visit Skypower, provider of Drone Filming.

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Sensors are fitted in many police cars, which provide a wealth of information ranging from the driver’s behaviour to the engine efficiency. Sensors are used in APLS systems (automatic location systems), which can help locate an injured officer or provide feedback.

The police should not lose sight of their community focus by relying on technology. It could be argued, however, that too much reliance will ‘de-skill,’ or make our officers automatons who blindly follow information derived from systems. How much information can an officer process and interact with in a single session?

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