How to keep your drains in good working order


Your home’s plumbing system is a crucial part of daily life, and maintaining it is essential to prevent costly plumbing issues. One important aspect of plumbing maintenance is ensuring that your drains remain in good working order.

Clogged drains can lead to backups, unpleasant odours and potential water damage. Fortunately, there are several simple steps you can take to keep your drains flowing smoothly and prevent these problems.

Regular cleaning

One of the easiest ways to keep your drains in good working order is by routinely cleaning them. Remove debris and hair from your sink and shower drains. For kitchen drains, avoid putting large food scraps down the disposal, and use a strainer to catch solids before they enter the drain. For more tips on how to keep your drains clear, visit this website.

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Hot water flush

Pouring hot water down your drains on a weekly basis can help prevent the buildup of grease and soap scum. Boiling water can effectively dissolve these substances and flush them away, reducing clogs.

Proper disposal

Be mindful of what you put down your drains. Avoid disposing of items like grease, coffee grounds, eggshells, and non-flushable items (like wipes) down toilets or drains.

Professional maintenance

Consider scheduling regular professional drain cleaning and maintenance. Plumbers have specialised equipment, such as hydro-jetting machines, to thoroughly clean and remove blockages from drains. This can help prevent major issues and extend the life of your plumbing system.

CCTV surveys are another valuable tool used by plumbing and drainage professionals such as CCTV drainage surveys Alcester allow the interior of underground pipes and drainage systems to be inspected, as a way of identifying blockages, damage, corrosion and displacement.

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Simple yet essential

Maintaining healthy drains is a simple yet essential aspect of home maintenance. By incorporating these tips into your routine, you can prevent clogs, backups and costly plumbing repairs. Remember that prevention is key, and investing time and effort into keeping your drains in good working order can save you both money and headaches in the long run.

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