The great office debate is on


With the country experiencing a shift in its working patterns the employees and employers of the UK are looking towards a new year that is going to be very different to this one. At present the sudden increase in home workers has brought about a new debate as to what the world of work is going to look like going forward. Simply put, a time is coming when you’ll have to decide whether you are an office worker or a home office worker. Regardless of whether you are a one or the other Next day office furniture is a real help for those in need of some new equipment.

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On the one side are the new recruit ranks of the homeworker. They have joined the cause after being asked to by employers. For the most part the employers have given them the tools to do the job at home and the employee is running with it. They talk about the fact they can have a better home life and work life balance. Their loved ones can see what they do all day and the commute to work is simply walking down the stairs.

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On the other hand there are those that are desperate to get back into the office and interact with colleagues again. They need to chat around the water cooler and to see other people. They also want to make strict demarcation between work and home, enjoying the travel time to decompress. However, if current trends are to be believed they won’t have half as many other colleagues to talk to when this all ends as they will be working from home.

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