Ideal First Date Ideas


It can be nerve-racking to plan your first date. It’s almost like the excitement turns into paranoia. Will they like you at the end of the night, will you like them? Will there be other dates afterward? You start asking yourself so many questions. You can rest assured that you will enjoy yourself, even if you feel a little nervous.

Check out these suggestions if you want to do something different to a meal or bowling for your first date.

Enjoy movies in the great outdoors

You can make your date memorable by visiting one of the many outdoor cinema locations. These are often older films, and cult favourites. But watching a film in your car at a drive-in theatre or on a blanket while enjoying some food is a wonderful way to spend the evening. Alternatively, if you have an impressive Home Cinema Installation Bath, you can stay at your place! Find out more at

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Scavenger hunts

They are becoming more and more popular, especially for first dates where the conversation may be a bit awkward until both of you relax. You will have plenty to talk about when you are working together to solve clues. You can choose from a wide range of scavenger hunting activities, including those that are available at specific sites or ones you can download and take with you to the location you want.

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Crazy golf has been a popular first date venue for many couples in the past. With the increase of crazy golf venues throughout the country, this is a choice that is quickly resurfacing for couples. Indoor crazy golf is available in many locations, including Mr Mulligan’s. You can have a great time on your first date.

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